Projects - Implementation and change management
6 PACK Falls prevention program
The 6-PACK program is a targeted, nurse delivered, falls prevention program, designed specifically for acute hospital wards. It consists of a nurse assessment of a patient's risk, using a nine-item risk assessment tool and the delivery of one or more of the six 6-PACK interventions (including the use of low-low beds) applied to patients classified as high-risk by the tool. Project Health has been involved in the implementation of the 6-PACK program, providing change management advice to support implementation, including training for project leaders, content for the implementation guide, communication resources, and direct support to wards.
Care of older people
Care of older people has and continues to be a high priority within the health service and various programs have sought to support best practice approaches in acute care. Translation of knowledge into practice is an ongoing challenge, which led to the development of an implementation guide for guidelines relating to the care of older people. The guide was developed by Project Health in conjunction with a high level steering group representing health services nationally.